Last month was the annual Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek). CSEdWeek is dedicated to inspiring K-12 students to take interest in computer science.
The CREATE Lab Satellite Network and our friends at the ABC CREATE network (Alle-Kiski Best Practice Collaborative CREATE Lab Satellite Hub) celebrated the week with various events and activities. Below are some of the highlights and ways to look back at the week.
Franklin Regional Middle School: "We provide students the option to participate in Hour of Code and had approximately 200 6-8 graders participated this year. Additionally, we put a twist on Hour of Code, as one of our 8th graders led a computer hardware seminar for a group of students and another 8th grader presented a gaming website that he developed to another group of students." - Andrew Leviski, Principal
Knoch Middle School: Students in Mrs. Bocci’s 6th Grade and Mrs. Slater’s 4tha and 5th-grade keyboarding classes spent time participating in the HOUr of Code. South Butler students who took part did so by looking at familiar games like Minecraft and Flappy Bird and building on them. For instance, the characters who move throughout the game seemingly do so automatically, but that is becase a program has been written. The kids were able to write their own program to make the bird fly the they wanted, engineer the sounds in the game, and even adjust for the bird can move through the passageways.
Burrell School District: Students were able to do did a number of small things regarding the hour of code with a lot of work using Scratch and Finch.
Following a cyber bullying project in 6th grade, students used scratch to make their names fly while 3rd and 5th grade did multiple projects with
Colfax Elementary and Plum Borough School District participated in Hour of Code. One class at Plum used it with their geometry classes as well as in Web Site class if they finish labs early.
Armstrong High School: All of the Computer Science 9 classes participated in an Hour of Code. Advanced students are preparing to create a video game about real world issues impacting our community for Pittsburgh's Games for Change student challenge.
Deer Lakes School District: All students at East Union participated in the Hour of Code on Days 4,5,6. They practiced their Hour of Code using the website.
All students at Curtisville participated on Days 1,2,3. They also did Hour of Code using, Kodable, and Tynker. Tynker also gives them several age-appropriate tutorial options such as: