Nearby Nature GigaBlitz starts this Monday

We invite you to participate in the second Nearby Nature GigaBlitz

We urge you to start thinking about possible subjects close to your home, school or work, and then during the solstice week of December 19 – 25 get out and gigapan local animals and plants in all their biodiversity. We would especially encourage prior entrants to re-visit the settings they recorded during the June 2011 gigablitz.

Call for Entries, Nearby Nature GigaBlitz, December 19–25, 2011

In our inaugural GigaBlitz this past June, we expressed our hope that Nearby Nature gigablitzes would “help the GigaPan community more deeply explore, document, and celebrate the diversity of life forms in their local habitats.” You responded with over 70 amazing gigapixel images, and countless snapshots. Our jury looked closely at all of them, wishing each could be held up as shining examples of biodiversity in everyday places. In the end, 8 fascinating entries – each brimming with life – were chosen as best representing the Nearby Nature premise. These are profiled in the November 2011 issue of GigaPan Magazine.

Happy GigaPanning!

Alex Smith, University of Guelph
Ken Tamminga, Penn State University
Dennis vanEngelsdorp, University of Maryland
Mary Jo Daines, Project Director, CREATE Lab